Lectures, talks and panel discussions included in the program of LALKA NOVA International Scientific Conference will be streamed live. Links to the broadcasts can be found below:Polish:


Participants of the LALKA NOVA conference are required to wear protective masks and keep a social distance. We ask everyone to arrive early to fill in the covidium questionnaire at a specially marked point in the foyer of the building. Conference organizers are obliged to follow the guidelines of the relevant sanitary authorities regarding the prevention of the spread of an epidemic, including providing all persons on the event site with the necessary means of disinfection, maintaining the cleanliness of the facility at the highest level and providing all information necessary for the safe use of the facilit

The Scientific Council of the International Scientific Conference LALKA NOVA composed of: Anna Ivanova PhD, prof. Ida Hledíková PhD, Ewelina Ciszewska PhD – dean of the Puppetry Faculty of the AST and prof. Mirosław Kocur PhD – professor of AST on October 12, 2021, after reading the 22 submitted abstracts, decided to invite 14 speakers to take part in the Conference:

  1. Marzenna Wiśniewska, Department of Culture Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, Title: A “Women’s Turn”: New Lenses to Puppetry
  2. Nataliia Shapovalova, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts Title: The monologue with a puppet as an important phase in professional education of a modern animation theater actor
  3. Mareike Gaubitz, Deutsches Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst e.V., Germany, Title: Puppets 4.0 – Museum without walls. Exhibiting the non-exhibitable
  4. Agata Drwięga, The Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy in Poznań, Poland Title: Animals – new old characters on the stage of puppet theatre
  5. Jessica Hölzl, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig Title: NEW PUPPET – Body of the Puppet – Body as a Puppet
  6. Natalia Sakowicz, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Touch me, I want to feel your body
  7. Michał Jarmoszuk, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Vraj (V-paRadise) 
  8. Karol Suszczyński, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Development through balance
  9. Juraj Bako, PhD. student at the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia, Title: Puppet Augmeted: Using 3D technology in a puppetry practice
  10. Sofie Neu, Puppentheater Magdeburg, Title: Quintland, the human zoo: The objectification of exposed human bodies and the theatrical practice of personalizing objects
  11. Aleksandra Pejcz, National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, Poland, Title: The contemporary potential of classical techniques of puppet theater on the example of students’ work within the subject of “Hand Puppet Acting”
  12. Patrycja Terciak, Pinokio Theater in Łódź, Poland, Title: Memory trace as animant
  13. Katarzyna Hora,  National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, Poland Title: New space for puppetry in immersive theatre.
  14. Rosario Perricone, University of Palermo, Palermo’s Academy of Fine Arts / Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari-Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Title: Cyber pupos

Thank you very much for all sent proposals!

Thank you for the submitted applications for the International Conference LALKA NOVA – NEW PUPPET! This week the Scientific Council composed of: Anna Ivanova PhD, Kata Csató MA, prof. Ida Hledíková PhD, Ewelina Ciszewska PhD – dean of the Puppetry Faculty of the AST and prof. Mirosław Kocur will start their work. The Council will choose the submitted abstracts, and the results will be announced on October 13th.

— —

Dear Sir or Madame,

modern times of constant changes and creations in the context of contemporary puppet theater initiated the need for further research and confronting the definition of what is new and still yet unnamed. Diversity in the world of theater and visual arts, the latest scientific achievements, the originality of technological solutions, and the widening art of perception provoked the birth of the LALKA NOVA / NEW PUPPET idea.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the international scientific conference LALKA NOVA. NEW MEANINGS OF THE PUPPET IN THEATER AND PERFORMATIVE ARTS.

The conference will be held from 4th to 7th November 2021 in Wrocław, at the Faculty of Puppetry of the AST National Academy of Theater Arts in Krakow Branch in Wrocław. The invitation is addressed to lecturers, university students, artists, theater directors, scientists in various fields of science, and theater audiences. We focus our considerations on thematic modules: new history, new theater, new actor, new technologies and the module called: theater without a human. Lectures can take the form of: a lecture, video presentation, performance or any other form that will allow you to fully express your reflections on LALKA NOVA / NEW PUPPET. Speakers will also be able to take part in the conference online. The Scientific Council, established in the first week of September, will select the most interesting lectures on the basis of your abstracts.

 We are looking forward to your participation. See you soon!

Prof. Ewelina Ciszewska

Dean of the Faculty of Puppetry

Head of Scientific Committee

The deadline for sending abstracts (up to 1,200 signs) is September 30th, 2021. We will announce the results of the recruitment by October 10th, 2021. Here is the application form.

Please send any questions to the following address: 

Conference coordinator

Aga Błaszczak

More information about the conference and the thematic scope can be found in the attached folder. Due to the dynamic situation, please follow our pages, which we will update on a regular basis.

Financial support by International Visegrad Fund

Partners are Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and Freeszwe Society


Participants of the LALKA NOVA conference are required to wear protective masks and keep a social distance. We ask everyone to arrive early to fill in the covidium questionnaire at a specially marked point in the foyer of the building. Conference organizers are obliged to follow the guidelines of the relevant sanitary authorities regarding the prevention of the spread of an epidemic, including providing all persons on the event site with the necessary means of disinfection, maintaining the cleanliness of the facility at the highest level and providing all information necessary for the safe use of the facilit

–Lectures, talks and panel discussions included in the program of LALKA NOVA International Scientific Conference will be streamed live. Links to the broadcasts can be found below:Polish:



10.00-10.15 (The Black Stage) Opening of the Conference and the intermedia installation 3D <w_w_v_lalka.nova>

10.15-10.45 (Main Stage) Welcome masterclass: prof. Mirosław Kocur, AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, „Agency of things”

11.00-11.45 (Main Stage) Masterclass: prof. Marek Kaczmarzyk, University of Silesia in Katowice, „We read movement – we understand a human. About mechanisms of checking and crossing borders.”

11.45-12.45 (Main Stage) Inaugural masterclass – MODULE 1: „NEW HISTORY”: prof. Marek Waszkiel, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, „Puppet of the XXI Century.”

12.45-13.15 coffe break

13.15-13.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Patrycja Terciak, PhD, Pinokio Theater in Łódź, “Memory traces as animant.”

13.45-14.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Aleksandra Pejcz, PhD, National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, “The contemporary potential of classical techniques of puppet theater on the example of students’ work within the subject of Hand Puppet Acting.”

14.15-14.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: prof. Rosario Perricone, University of Palermo, Palermo’s Academy of Fine Arts, “Cyber pupos.”

14.45-15:45 lunch break

15:45-16:15 (Main Stage) Presentation: Monika Gerboc, MA, Puppet Theater in Zwickau: “ 360° Virtual Puppets.”

16:15-16:45 (Main Stage) Pitching session PRESENT YOUR IDEA!

16:45-17:25 and 18:00-18:40 (119) Performance: „I became a stage” (dir. Monika Reks – AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław)

17.30-18.00 (051) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw: „Appeal of values”, dir. Martyna Gajak

18.00-19.00 (foyer) Opening and curatorial tour: „Lalka NOVA exhibition – a character study.”

19.00-20.00 (Main Stage) Performance: „The Old Man”, dir. Ewelina Ciszewska




10.00-10.45 (Main Stage) MODULE 2: „NEW THEATRE” – masterclass: Piotr Krajewski, MA, WRO Art Center, „Puppet – Anatomies of Anxiety.”

10.45-11.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Karol Suszczyński, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Development through balance.”

11.15-11.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Agata Drwięga, PhD, The Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy in Poznań, „Animals – new old characters on the stage of puppet theatre.”

11.45-12.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Katarzyna Hora, student, AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, “New space for puppetry in immersive theatre.”

12.15-12.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Marzenna Wiśniewska, PhD, Department of Culture Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, “A Women’s Turn: New Lenses to Puppetry”

12.45-13.15 coffe break

13.15-14.00 (Main Stage) MODULE 3: „NEW ACTOR” – masterclass: Duda Paiva, Duda Paiva Company, “The modern puppeteer: eclipse of the self.”

14.00-14.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Sofie Neu, MA, Puppentheater Magdeburg: “Quintland, the human zoo: The objectification of exposed human bodies and the theatrical practice of personalizing objects.”

14.30-15.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Jessica Hölzl, MA, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig, “NEW PUPPET – Body of the Puppet – Body as a Puppet.”

15.00-15.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Natalia Sakowicz, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Touch me, I want to feel your body.”

15.30-16.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Nataliia Shapovalova, MA, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, “The monologue with a puppet as an important phase in professional education of a modern animation theater actor.”

16.00-17.00 lunch break

17.00-17.30 (124) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw: „Hybrid”, dir. Oskar Lasota

17.30-18.30 (Main Stage) Discussion panel with the participation of invited guests, moderator: mgr Hubert Michalak, „Representation of animals in art in relation to ecocriticism.”

18.30-19.10 (028) Performance „Argue with me!”, dir. Julia Bochenek i Miłosz Broniszewski – AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław

20.00-21.30 (WRO Art Center) Exhibition: „Anatomies of Anxiety”




9.30-10.00 (foyer) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw:  „Exemplary”, dir. Alex Gosławska

10.00-10.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Mateusz Mirowski, PhD, Damian Banasz, PhD, Bartosz Zamarek, PhD, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw: „Using 3D printing in the theater & <w_w_v_lalka.nova> installation’s background”

10.30-11.00 (Main Stage) MODULE 4: „NEW TECHNOLOGIES”- masterclass: Ewa Satalecka, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „Does AI need me?”

11.00-11.30 (Main Stage) Guest speaker: Jakub Karpoluk, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „At Jacob’s Well. Japanese nō theatre redefined”

11.30-12.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Michał Jarmoszuk, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Vraj”

12.00-12.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Mareike Gaubitz, Deutsches Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst e.V., “Puppets 4.0 – Museum without walls. Exhibiting the non-exhibitable.”

12.30-13.00 coffe break

13.00-14.00 (Main Stage) Calligraphy performance in VR, Monika Marek, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „7 domes”

14.00-14.45 (Main Stage) Masterclass: prof. Ellen Pearlman, The New School for Social Research in New York, “Is There A Place In Human Consciousness Where Surveillance Cannot Go? New Horizons In New Media.”

14.45-15.45 (Main Stage) MODULE 5: „THEATRE WITHOUT HUMAN” – masterclass: Krzysztof Garbaczewski, MA, “Dream Adoption Society Theatre in metaverse.”

15.45-16.15 (Scena Duża) Lecture: Juraj Bako, MA, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, “Puppet Augmeted: Using 3D technology in a puppetry practice.”

16.15-16.30 (Main Stage) Performance talk with robot Eugenius – Aga Błaszczak, MA & General Robotics, „To be(ep) or not to be(ep)?”

16.30-17.30 lunch break

17.30-18.30 (Main Stage) Discussion panel summarizing the LALKA NOVA Conference with the participation of invited guests, moderator: Marzenna Wiśniewska, „(Re) Thinking Puppet and Material Performance.”

19.00-20.00 (The Black Stage) Performative closure of the intermedia installation „w_w_v_lalka.nova”




10:00-16:00 (027, AST)* Organic music workshop, conducted by: Tomasz Lewandowski (Pleciuga Theatre)

11.00-14.00 (Studio Stage, AST)* VR workshop „Littera Nova”, conducted by: Monika Marek (PJATK)

12.00-16.00 (The Audiovisual Technology Center)* Arduino interactive design workshops, conducted by: Dariusz Jackowski

12:30-14:00 (Wrocław Puppet Theatre, Main Stage)* Light design workshop „Glare – experience of light”, conducted by: Alicja Pietrucka (WTL)

15:00 (Wrocław Puppet Theatre) Performance: „OJEJA! or about a girl who did not know her own name”, dir. Jakub Krofta, Maria Wojtyszko

* Workshops are addressed to students of art schools.Lectures, talks and panel discussions included in the program of LALKA NOVA International Scientific Conference will be streamed live. Links to the broadcasts can be found below:Polish:


Participants of the LALKA NOVA conference are required to wear protective masks and keep a social distance. We ask everyone to arrive early to fill in the covidium questionnaire at a specially marked point in the foyer of the building. Conference organizers are obliged to follow the guidelines of the relevant sanitary authorities regarding the prevention of the spread of an epidemic, including providing all persons on the event site with the necessary means of disinfection, maintaining the cleanliness of the facility at the highest level and providing all information necessary for the safe use of the facilit



10.00-10.15 (The Black Stage) Opening of the Conference and the intermedia installation 3D <w_w_v_lalka.nova>

10.15-10.45 (Main Stage) Welcome masterclass: prof. Mirosław Kocur, AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, „Agency of things”

11.00-11.45 (Main Stage) Masterclass: prof. Marek Kaczmarzyk, University of Silesia in Katowice, „We read movement – we understand a human. About mechanisms of checking and crossing borders.”

11.45-12.45 (Main Stage) Inaugural masterclass – MODULE 1: „NEW HISTORY”: prof. Marek Waszkiel, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, „Puppet of the XXI Century.”

12.45-13.15 coffe break

13.15-13.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Patrycja Terciak, PhD, Pinokio Theater in Łódź, “Memory traces as animant.”

13.45-14.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Aleksandra Pejcz, PhD, National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, “The contemporary potential of classical techniques of puppet theater on the example of students’ work within the subject of Hand Puppet Acting.”

14.15-14.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: prof. Rosario Perricone, University of Palermo, Palermo’s Academy of Fine Arts, “Cyber pupos.”

14.45-15:45 lunch break

15:45-16:15 (Main Stage) Presentation: Monika Gerboc, MA, Puppet Theater in Zwickau: “ 360° Virtual Puppets.”

16:15-16:45 (Main Stage) Pitching session PRESENT YOUR IDEA!

16:45-17:25 and 18:00-18:40 (119) Performance: „I became a stage” (dir. Monika Reks – AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław)

17.30-18.00 (051) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw: „Appeal of values” (dir. Martyna Gajak)

18.00-19.00 (foyer) Opening and curatorial tour: „Lalka NOVA exhibition – a character study.”

19.00-20.00 (Main Stage) Performance: „The Old Man” (dir. Ewelina Ciszewska)




10.00-10.45 (Main Stage) MODULE 2: „NEW THEATRE” – masterclass: Piotr Krajewski, MA, WRO Art Center, „Puppet – Anatomies of Anxiety.”

10.45-11.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Karol Suszczyński, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Development through balance.”

11.15-11.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Agata Drwięga, PhD, The Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy in Poznań, „Animals – new old characters on the stage of puppet theatre.”

11.45-12.15 (Main Stage) Lecture: Katarzyna Hora, student, AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, “New space for puppetry in immersive theatre.”

12.15-12.45 (Main Stage) Lecture: Marzenna Wiśniewska, PhD, Department of Culture Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, “A Women’s Turn: New Lenses to Puppetry”

12.45-13.15 coffe break

13.15-14.00 (Main Stage) MODULE 3: „NEW ACTOR” – masterclass: Duda Paiva, Duda Paiva Company, “The modern puppeteer: eclipse of the self.”

14.00-14.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Sofie Neu, MA, Puppentheater Magdeburg: “Quintland, the human zoo: The objectification of exposed human bodies and the theatrical practice of personalizing objects.”

14.30-15.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Jessica Hölzl, MA, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig, “NEW PUPPET – Body of the Puppet – Body as a Puppet.”

15.00-15.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Natalia Sakowicz, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Touch me, I want to feel your body.”

15.30-16.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Nataliia Shapovalova, MA, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts, “The monologue with a puppet as an important phase in professional education of a modern animation theater actor.”

16.00-17.00 lunch break

17.00-17.30 (124) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw: „Hybrid” (dir. Oskar Lasota)

17.30-18.30 (Main Stage) Discussion panel with the participation of invited guests, moderator: mgr Hubert Michalak, „Representation of animals in art in relation to ecocriticism.”

18.30-19.10 (028) Performance „Argue with me!” (dir. Julia Bochenek i Miłosz Broniszewski – AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław)

20.00-21.30 (WRO Art Center) Exhibition: „Anatomies of Anxiety”




9.30-10.00 (foyer) Etude by students of the Białystok Branch of the A. Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw:  „Exemplary” (dir. Alex Gosławska)

10.00-10.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Mateusz Mirowski, PhD, Damian Banasz, PhD, Bartosz Zamarek, PhD, The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw: „Using 3D printing in the theater & <w_w_v_lalka.nova> installation’s background”

10.30-11.00 (Main Stage) MODULE 4: „NEW TECHNOLOGIES”- masterclass: Ewa Satalecka, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „Does AI need me?”

11.00-11.30 (Main Stage) Guest speaker: Jakub Karpoluk, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „At Jacob’s Well. Japanese nō theatre redefined”

11.30-12.00 (Main Stage) Lecture: Michał Jarmoszuk, PhD, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, “Vraj”

12.00-12.30 (Main Stage) Lecture: Mareike Gaubitz, Deutsches Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst e.V., “Puppets 4.0 – Museum without walls. Exhibiting the non-exhibitable.”

12.30-13.00 coffe break

13.00-14.00 (Main Stage) Calligraphy performance in VR, Monika Marek, PhD, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, „7 domes”

14.00-14.45 (Main Stage) Masterclass: prof. Ellen Pearlman, The New School for Social Research in New York, “Is There A Place In Human Consciousness Where Surveillance Cannot Go? New Horizons In New Media.”

14.45-15.45 (Main Stage) MODULE 5: „THEATRE WITHOUT HUMAN” – masterclass: Krzysztof Garbaczewski, MA, “Dream Adoption Society Theatre in metaverse.”

15.45-16.15 (Scena Duża) Lecture: Juraj Bako, MA, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, “Puppet Augmeted: Using 3D technology in a puppetry practice.”

16.15-16.30 (Main Stage) Performance talk with robot Eugenius – Aga Błaszczak, MA & General Robotics, „To be(ep) or not to be(ep)?”

16.30-17.30 lunch break

17.30-18.30 (Main Stage) Discussion panel summarizing the LALKA NOVA Conference with the participation of invited guests, moderator: Marzenna Wiśniewska, „(Re) Thinking Puppet and Material Performance.”

19.00-20.00 (The Black Stage) Performative closure of the intermedia installation „w_w_v_lalka.nova”




10:00-16:00 (027, AST)* Organic music workshop, conducted by: Tomasz Lewandowski (Pleciuga Theatre)

11.00-14.00 (Studio Stage, AST)* VR workshop „Littera Nova”, conducted by: Monika Marek (PJATK)

12.00-16.00 (The Audiovisual Technology Center)* Arduino interactive design workshops, conducted by: Dariusz Jackowski

12:30-14:00 (Wrocław Puppet Theatre, Main Stage)* Light design workshop „Glare – experience of light”, conducted by: Alicja Pietrucka (WTL)

15:00 (Wrocław Puppet Theatre) Performance: „OJEJA! or about a girl who did not know her own name”” (dir. Jakub Krofta, Maria Wojtyszko)

* Workshops are addressed to students of art schools.MASTER LECTURES:Welcome lecture: prof. Mirosław Kocur „Agency of things”Prof. Marek Waszkiel „Puppet of the XXI Century”Piotr Krajewski „Puppet – Anatomies of Anxiety”Duda Paiva “The modern puppeteer: eclipse of the self”Prof. Ewa Satalecka „Does AI need me?”Prof. Ellen Pearlman “Is There A Place In Human Consciousness Where Surveillance Cannot Go? New Horizons In New Media”Krzysztof Grabaczewski “Dream Adoption Society Theatre in metaverse”


  1. Dr Marzenna Wiśniewska, Department of Culture Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland, Title: A “Women’s Turn”: New Lenses to Puppetry
  2. MSc Nataliia Shapovalova, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts Title: The monologue with a puppet as an important phase in professional education of a modern animation theater actor
  3. Dr Mareike Gaubitz, Deutsches Forum für Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst e.V., Germany, Title: Puppets 4.0 – Museum without walls. Exhibiting the non-exhibitable
  4. MSc Agata Drwięga, The Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy in Poznań, Poland Title: Animals – new old characters on the stage of puppet theatre
  5. MSc Jessica Hölzl, Institut für Theaterwissenschaft, Universität Leipzig Title: NEW PUPPET – Body of the Puppet – Body as a Puppet
  6. Dr Natalia Sakowicz, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Touch me, I want to feel your body
  7. Dr Michał Jarmoszuk, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Vraj (V-paRadise) 
  8. Dr Karol Suszczyński, The Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theater Academy in Warsaw, Branch in Białystok, Poland, Title: Development through balance
  9. MSc Juraj Bako, PhD. student at the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia, Title: Puppet Augmeted: Using 3D technology in a puppetry practice
  10. MSc Sofie Neu, Puppentheater Magdeburg, Title: Quintland, the human zoo: The objectification of exposed human bodies and the theatrical practice of personalizing objects
  11. Dr Aleksandra Pejcz, National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, Poland, Title: The contemporary potential of classical techniques of puppet theater on the example of students’ work within the subject of “Hand Puppet Acting”
  12. Dr Patrycja Terciak, Pinokio Theater in Łódź, Poland, Title: Memory trace as animant
  13. Katarzyna Hora,  National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, Branch in Wrocław, Poland Title: New space for puppetry in immersive theatre.
  14. Prof Rosario Perricone, University of Palermo, Palermo’s Academy of Fine Arts / Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari-Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Title: Cyber pupos


Mgr Monika Gerboc MA “ 360° VIRTUAL PUPPETS”
Dr Mateusz Mirowski, PhD, Damian Banasz, PhD, Bartosz Zamarek „Using 3D printing in the theater & <w_w_v_lalka.nova> installation’s background”


Dr Jakub Karpoluk „At Jacob’s Well. Japanese nō theatre redefined”

Organiser of the international scientific conference LALKA NOVA. New Meanings of the Puppet in Theatre and Performative Arts is:

AST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow Branch in Wroclaw

Faculty of Puppetry

ul. Braniborska 59,53 680 Wrocław FB: LALKANOVA

curator: dr hab. Ewelina Ciszewska

coordinator: Aga Błaszczak

project manager: Anna Wodzisławska

PR materials